By David Sidman November 11, 2019 , 1:01 pm
A false witness will not go unpunished; He who testifies lies will not escape Proverbs 19:5 (The Israel Bible™)
A recent report released by the Clarion Project showed all of the foreign funding that is received by US universities. One particular foreign entity that stood out was the Palestinian Authority who donated $1,050,000 to Harvard University in Cambridge MA.
This seems like an odd move for an entity who constantly claims that their economy is ‘on the verge of collapse‘. So why would Abbas donate over one-million dollars to University that it doesn’t conducts any joint studies with?
One possible reason is influence. It’s highly possible that Abbas is exploiting Harvard as a mouthpiece for their anti-Israel propaganda. That could be how they get Harvard students to visit Ramallah where ironically, Abbas spoke about his entity’s financial woes. This was reported in the terrorist entity’s run media outlet Wafa where Abbas told a visiting group of Harvard students that: “We are currently in a very serious financial situation after losing a large portion of our revenues, which amount to 70 percent of our budget. We had to pay half salary for the employees this month and maybe next month only 40 percent and in the end we may be forced not to pay anything”.
Other Muslim states who donated to Harvard include Qatar, who donated $7 Million and Turkey donated $16.8 Million.
Harvard’s relationship with “Palestinians” also made headlines back in August when Ismail Ajjawi, a 17-year-old incoming Lebanese freshmen who claims to be “Palestinian” was deported from the US for alleged terrorist ties. Ajjawi denied any connection. He has been since allowed to re-enter the US and now studies at Harvard. His scholarship was provided by AMIDEAST, an NGO that received funding from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.
The comprehensive report notes that the Department of Education (DOE) records don’t show all donations from foreign entities. That’s because disclosure could be easily avoided with simple evasive measures. This means that what we do see can be just the tip of the iceberg.