Shalom Mishpacha!

Our Chanukah Community Concert will have a lite celebration after the concert. 8:30 – 9:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Come and share in the Gelt with lite refreshments.

Some of you have asked about the foods that would be appropriate for this celebration.
Here are a few suggestions:

Stuffed eggs

Jelly Doughnuts





Any kind of chocolate

‘Zapps’ potato chips


Finger foods like …

Finger sandwiches

Veggie Trays w/ dips, etc.

Coffee, Water, Sodas, and Tea

Shabbat the 20th(candle # 5) will be a full

Chanukah Oneg. Suggestions for full Oneg include:

(In addition to the above items)

Latkes (potato pancakes, traditional Hanukkah)

Apple Sauce (for the Latkes)

Sour Cream (for the Latkes)

Ketchup (for the Latkes)

Jambalaya (Kosher)

Waffle Cones


For table decor:

Hanukkiahs (Your Hanukkah Menorahs)

Gelt (supplied)

Dreidels (supplied)

Polaroid type camera


Some essential that you’ll want to have:

Latkes – You can buy the latkes

(potato pancakes) mix in the grocery

stores, usually in the international

food section. Given that Latkes

are one of the two primary traditional

Hanukkah foods, it really is important

that everyone get to have a least one.

Jelly Doughnuts:

This is the other traditional food that

you will always find during Hanukkah.

They are called sufganyiot and

they are actually deep fried

(much like beignets) jelly filled

doughnuts sprinkled with powdered

sugar. A substitute … regular jelly filled

doughnuts sprinkled with powdered

sugar will most definitely do.

Also, for those who have one, bring along your

Chanukiah’s ….

Be blessed as you walk with the King!


This info was initially provided by Tonya Matus…

I wanted once again to thank her – Whitney &

