By David Sidman April 26, 2020 

I will bless those who bless you Genesis 12:3 (The Israel Bible™)

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte penned a letter to the European Coalition for Israel to mark the anniversary of the San Remo Conference, which ended on Sunday 100 years ago reports Israel Hayom. In his message, Conte touched on the major significance of the conference, which involved leading world powers  accepting the principle of a home for the Jewish nation in the Land of Israel – including Judea and Samaria. Conte wrote that the conference effectively sealed the Balfour Declaration of 1917 as part of international law saying. “One of the seeds of the olive tree which was to become the symbol of the modern State of Israel was planted in San Remo,” he states. “At San Remo, the Jews were promised a national home in Palestine, and the explicit right to ‘settle’ throughout the territory which included of course Judea and Samaria” explains Professor Eugene Kontorovich of the Kohelet Forum.

The problem began after Jordan and Egypt illegally occupied much of these territories which was largely overlooked by world powers. “Much of the international community pretended its earlier guarantees did not exist” Kontorovich  added.

Praising this historic event seems to contravene the EU’s longstanding policy of recognizing Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria as “illegal under international law.” The EU says that it does not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Judea and Samaria and that therefore, any annexation in the region would be a violation of international law.

But Conte wasn’t alone in his praise. President Trump’s Israel ambassador, David Friedman also marked the historic meeting saying