This page ‘What we Believe’ is for everyone who is truly seeking their deeper relationship and understanding of both our Creator and His Scriptures. Regardless of your orthodoxy, traditions, denomination, Jewish or not this page could be revelatory for you. Based on all the Scriptures [ Torah, Tanach (prophets, books of wisdom / writings ) and Brit Hadashah (Renewed Covenant] we present this by cross-referencing the Renewed with the Hebrew and vice-versa. Enjoy His Book …
** Notice, this is a work in progress.

    • We believe that every follower of Yeshua should seek the infiling (immersion / baptism) of the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodash) as a definite and distict experience, that they might be endued with power for Messiah’s service.(Acts 1:4-5 & 8 ; Acts 2:1-18 & 38-39).  However, this is not a prerequisite for salvation.

We believe and practice the following observances:

Our stance on:
*‘One Law Two Stick’

* ‘The Ephramite Fable’