The Gregorian year 2021 brought a lot of chaos and world-changing events. Israel365 has kept its finger on the pulse to both track and identify world events that are either connected to the Bible or are a direct prophecy.So without further adieu, the following are the top ten Biblical news stories of 2021.
- The tenth most first prophetic news story of 2021 was the fact that the Euphrates River, the longest river of Western Asia,is drying up. The prophet Jeremiah described how the waters of Babylon, the region currently including Syria and Iraq, would dry up as a punishment for their idolatrous practices. (The Euphrates river ( Turkish: Firat Nehri ). It originating in eastern Turkey, the Euphrates flows through Syria and Iraq to join the Tigris in the Shatt al-Arab, which empties into the Persian Gulf )
A drought against its waters, that they be dried up! For it is a land of idols; They are besotted by their dread images. Assuredly, Wildcats and hyenas shall dwell [there], And ostriches shall dwell there; It shall never be settled again, Nor inhabited throughout the ages. Jeremiah 50:38-39
- In March, a reenactment of the Korban Pesach (the Passover Temple service) was held near the Shaar HaAshpot (the dung gate) near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The date, the tenth day of the first month, was significant in many ways.
8. Also in March, a new algorithmhas allowed scientists to declare that the earth beneath our feet has a fifth layer, coming closer to the order originally described in Jewish mysticism. Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum, director of the Azamra Institute explained, noting that Sheol is described by Isaiah as literally a deep hole in the earth’s crust.
7. In May, a fire broke outon the Temple Mount that was ominously reminiscent of many of the fires from the sacrifices from the first and second Temple eras. Rabbi Yosef Berger, rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion weighed in saying: “This is prophecy precisely as described in the Bible.”
6. In July, renowned Israeli Rabbi Daniel Asor warned of a globalist takeover happening as we speak. “If Hitler is the Third Reich, then the New World Order is the fourth Reich. It is Amalek’s last meeting with us before the Messiah’s arrival” he said. Based on the Kabalah teachings written by Italian Jewish rabbi and doctor Rabbi Moshe David Vali, who was a student and confidant of the prominent Jewish Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (RaMCHaL), Rabbi Asor reveals the dates that the Messiah will reveal himself.
5. Last month the Sanhedrin moved to prepare enough oil to anoint the Messiah from the House of David who, when he returns, will rule over Israel in the Messianic era. The anointing oil was described in the Bible to be used in the consecration of the Tabernacle:
4. A statue with Biblical implications was erected this month outside the United Nations headquarters in New York City. The statue, entitled the ‘guardian for international peace and security, is situated on the Visitor’s Plaza outside UN Headquarters. According to the UN, the ‘guardian’ is a “fusion of jaguar and eagle.” (The United Nations has a new Guardian of Peace statue that has traits that resemble the beasts described in Daniel) - In February, Amazon has unveiled the plans for its new corporate headquarters that will stand in Arlington, Virginia, directly across the Potomac River from Washington DC. The announcement inaccurately describes the design as a “double helix” but scholars of ancient history and the Bible will readily recognize the ancient model for the design: the Tower of Babel.
2. In May, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held a media conference in which he called on the world, including the UN, UN Security Council, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and other international organizations to take action focusing on wrestling Jerusalem away from Israel. (Rabbi Pinchas Winston, a prolific end of days author, noted that the current situation with Turkey fits the pre-Gog and Magog prophecy described in Zechariah, but he added that this was only the beginning of the Biblical implications.)
1. And the number one Biblical story of the year took place in July when Rabbi Yitzchak Batzri, a noted kabbalist from Jerusalem, reacted to the recent revelation of the first three letters of the four-letter ineffable name of God appearing on the eastern retaining wall of the Temple Mount by affirming that according to Jewish tradition, this is indeed a sign that the final redemption is imminent.
There you have it, the top ten prophetical stories of 2021. Israel365 will continue t track Biblical prophesy as it unfolds. And for those celebrating…Happy ‘new year.’